
This page is our “resource center” for everyone who is organising a screening. The following elements will help you plan, promote and run your event:

I. Planning, organising and running your screening

Here is our “engagement pack” — a 5-page document that gives you helpful tips and suggestions for every part of the process. If you find that things are missing or could be improved, please do not hesitate to let us know:

II. Marketing your screening

You can find our Digital Media kit in this Google Drive — it contains:

  • Promotional visuals
  • Stills from the film
  • Support for creating a press release and other promotional copy.

Feel free to use these elements to create your own marketing material. Let us know if something is missing:

You could also share our trailer and our behind-the-scenes film with audiences that you want to invite to the screening. Both films are on YouTube, these are the links:

If you mention/tag our Social Media accounts in your posts promoting the screening, and if you write about how the screening went afterwards, we are happy to amplify and repost your messages:

Thank you very much for all your work and all your support. It’s thanks to people like you that our film can find its audiences!